Coaching Teens & Young Adults

Coaching Teens & Young Adults


young adult coaching

“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”
    ~ Oscar Wilde

Are you ready to begin?

No matter where you are or where you want to go, together we will create a path to get you there.

50-Minute Sessions
3 Session Minimum

Allison works with clients both in-person and virtually.
Please inquire about payment plan options.

Possible Areas of Exploration…

Find Your Ground

Teens and young adults often think they should already have their whole life mapped out. They experience pressure to know where they’re going before they have had the opportunity to explore who they are and where they are NOW.

These sessions are all about that exploration. The path of that exploration looks different for each client, but all include investigating self-concepts such as personality, identity, values, and interests, then creating and working towards goals that reflect those discoveries.

Make a Decision

You’re at a fork in the road. Which path do you choose? Through brainstorming, visualization, talking it out, weighing pros and cons, and exploring values and goals, clients are supported as they choose their next steps forward.

Lighten Your Load

Simply put, teens and young adults are stressed. In these sessions, we slow down, breathe, investigate how, when, where, and why stress shows up. We also uncover how stress impacts thoughts, feelings, the physical body, and the nervous system. From there, clients develop awareness, tools, and strategies to lighten the load.

A New Chapter

This package is intended for clients beginning a new chapter in their lives. Through our sessions, clients explore this blank page, what changes in their story have brought them there, as well as how they think, feel, and experience those changes. From there, clients set meaningful goals as they write the next pages of their life with intention and purpose.

Just Begin

This package is for clients wanting to address a specific situation in their life. While that may seem like a vague description, it’s because the only common thread in the design of these sessions is that the client knows where they want to begin.